Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Shine That Sink

Yeah, I know, it has been a while since I have blogged. I think the last time I blogged, I talked about that I missed blogging, and I needed to catch up. I know I only have eight followers, but that's better than zero, right?  Anyway, let's talk about cleaning. Fun stuff, right? I think I have mentioned before on my blog about getting better organized and a cleaning schedule with a little tot running around. :)

I mean come on, who doesn't like a clean, crisp, spotless house, that smells good? I do, but I am not a perfectionist, nor have the time. As I have said before, I would rather color with Delaney, then wash windows or something. My goal is to just have a system. It is impossible to think your house is going to be spotless with a toddler, but I wouldn't have it any other way. I think I just need to de-clutter, and have a solid routine.

Moms, you know how it goes, toys, and clothes accumulate, and before you know it, your guest room, or whatever room, becomes your "panic-room-everytime-I-look-in-it-room". Let's just say, I have a new friend, and I am going to try her system and see how I like it.

Her name is FlyLady
FlyLady cartoon, on I had a friend tell me about this, and she has been using this system around her house. Here is how to get started, and here I am on Day 2.

She talks about having a system, and she is really motivational. You house is did not get cluttered in a day, and you can't get it de-cluttered in a day either. She is big on setting a timer for 15 minutes daily and de-cluttering somthing, and not to wear your self-down. I think that is what happens with me, I let things go too long and get overwhelmed. I mean of course I do laundry weekly, change my sheets weekly, etc, but come on, do each one of you all out there in the blogosphere clean up your dishes every night and have a spotless sink? Flylady is big on a clean sink. I will be the first to admit, that I always don't. Even though I might be too tired, I am going to achieve this goal as Flylady's first baby step:always clean up your dishes and sink so they won't overwhelm you the next day, and you can start fresh with clean dishes. 

I don't let my dishes pile up for a week or anything like that, I will just do them as I go sometimes, or other times I will have the kitchen all nice and clean. I mean how many times do we get stuff out of the dishwasher to use, if we don't get to putting them up right away? Or is it just me?

Let's get to cleaning those sink's tonight! Does anyone else have a system they do, tried Flylady, or want to join me?

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