Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Talkin' on Tuesday about: Hot Mess Monday

Yesterday, I was a "hot mess" running around like crazy, I didn't get a chance to post. Like I said last week, this weight loss/healthy journey is going to be trial and error. I will honestly admit I gained a pound. Am I happy about this? Well, no! I didn't lose, but I am learning. ;)

As far as my goals from last week:
  •  I did eat my turkey everyday for lunch last week, except on Friday when I went out to eat with friend.  (That was sort-of-my-problem, going out to eat is one thing, but what you choose to get is your choice. Last week I had Cracker Barrel with my family, Saul Good with a friend, Mexican, and then went to a big cookout at a friend's house as well.)
  • I exercised twice!
  • I tried to drink more water, but this goal needs much more improvement.
I find myself trying to read health and food articles or blogs when I have time to give me insight and advice on things. Some new food/beverage items that I tried this week that made drinking water taste better is, Perrier water (which a great carbonated lemon/lime water with out any artificial sweeteners)  and Smartfood Cinnamon-Sugar Chips,(which taste similar to Taco Bell's cinnamon twist.) You can have around 20 chips for 130 calories, 21g of Carbs, and 4g of sugar. They are pretty good, and you can buy them at Kroger.

Goals for this week:

1. Keep last week's goals
2. Try to learn of some new tips from other people
3. Watch portion sizes
4. Figure out the "soda" conundrum...aka (Skis and Cokes) 

 Hot Mess to Hot Mama's are welcoming to anyone who wants to join in on our train. Also, anyone who want to share tips, or stories, feel free!

Friday, July 27, 2012


Late night H54F post!

1. Laney had her 15-month check-up today and had three shots, (which always stink), but thank the Lord she is healthy and growing. She is a tall girl, (33 1/4 inches, 99th percentile!) On a random note, while waiting a long time in the doctor's office, Delaney played with a little girl named, "Evangeline" and a little boy named, "Cloud", and no these are not imaginary friends. It was definitely a fun "melting pot" with all the kiddos running in the waiting room.  I struck up a conversation with Evangeline's mom, who also has two boys, and she is delaying Evangeline's vaccines because of her son's having reactions to some in the past. I did not ask or prod for more information. I just nodded and smiled. Vaccines scare me about issues too, but I think the risk of the vaccine is a usually a better outcome than an infection, right?

2. Talked to two great gals today, both are "Allison's"! I had lunch with one today at one of my favorite resturants, Saul Good and had a phone date with the other one!

3.  Earlier this week, I made a great homemade body scrub I found on pinterest. It was simple, (sugar, olive oil, lemon zest, and lemon juice.)

4. Delaney hadn't been to the local lapsit program at the library for a while. and we finally got to go this week. She had fun!

5. I can't believe my brother is leaving for college soon. I think that just kind of hit me more this week, that he is going to be rocking and rolling at UK in a matter of weeks. 

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Food for Thought: Mac and Cheese

Momma's Melting Pot is melting up some Mac and Cheese!!!!! Boring, yes, but if you are reading, thanks! My little one loves mac and cheese, and I am all about experimenting in the kitchen. Not-to-mention,  I think every American loves Mac and Cheese! I grew up on the "elbow macaroni and Velveeta Cheese" kind-of-thing.  I will settle for Easy Mac or something, but come on now, homemade is better, and I think all that pre-made stuff is loaded with words I can't even spell, nor pronounce.

As I was "pinterest-ing," (surely everyone knows what this term means by now,) I saw a recipe for a "one- pot" mac and cheese dish.  Tonight makes the fourth or fifth time making it, so it must be working around here! Check it out!

I like this recipe because it saves me time. I can be doing other things while I am not having to worry about: waiting for the water to boil, adding the mac, waiting on the mac, draining the mac, and then adding all the other stuff.  However, I am still experimenting with the recipe.  I use Velveeta cheese instead of shredded. Also, I omit the dry mustard and nutmeg. Maybe I should add it next time?

I am sure you are thinking how hard is it to mess up mac and cheese? It is not hard, but I would like to try different versions of mac and cheese. Can't you "sneak" veggies into certain dishes for kids? Or is there a healthier version of Mac and Cheese? Or maybe adding other ingredients to the dish from time-to-time for a little variety? I don't use real butter and I try to use low-fat milk. How do you fix your Mac and Cheese? Would ya add it to "Momma's Melting Pot?" LOL!

Monday, July 23, 2012

Hot Mess Monday

I think all of us mommas who are diving into this "weight-loss", "healthy" journey, aka, HOT MESSES to HOT MAMAS lets out a BIG, "sigh" before posting, right? It is not that I think that I am overweight, I just want to feel better and make healthier choices. I mean yeah, who doesn't love an.ice.cold.COCA.COLA, or Mexican food, or whatever else is yummy and unhealthy!?!? I don't want to torture myself, but I want to this to be a learning experience through these lifestyle changes.

As we all know, birthing a child changes your body. Everything shifts and whatnot. I am proud of my stretch marks, and my baby belly "pooch", for being my little Delaney's home for nine months. However, I think us mommas get to a point where we need some confidence back about our bodies. Maybe it is just excuses like, "I looked this way before, and it doesn't matter what I look like now," or  "we all get so busy and say we don't have time,"  and before we know it, those scales make us say, "say what?"

Maybe some of us mommas have the genes of bouncing back and others don't. I do think from what I have heard, it is genetic. If your momma had stretch marks, you are more that likely going to have them.  As far as my weight goes, I am back to pre-pregnancy weight, at 154 pounds. My optimal weight for my 5'6" frame according to, Weight Watchers, is 124-155. So, I am within a pound of being overweight!?

I am telling myself, being realistic is key. I do not think I should expect to magically "pop" back into a size TWO and weigh 125 lbs like I did when I was 18. So, I think this journey will be some trial and error, small-goal setting, and PATIENCE.

Here are some of my small goals for the week. It may not seem like a lot to start out with, but remember, being REALISTIC is key. Rome wasn't built in a day.

1. Actually eat my turkey and pop chips I bought for lunch everyday and not cave for a fast-food, quick-fix.

2. Exercise at least three days this week.

3. Drink more water. Point Blank.

Any tips, websites, or other mommas that want to join us, are welcome!

Friday, July 20, 2012


I am giving a shout out to my momma friends and fellow bloggers who are getting me back on the blogging train, (I still need to work on some formatting issues). :) So, why not start with "High Five Friday".  If you blog, grab their button on my page and join in. From the creator of High Five for Friday: it is a weekly post about your five favorite things recently. It's a chance to stop and reflect on the things that you've enjoyed over the past week, which is something we should all do.

1. My sweet baby is growing, changing, and talking more everyday!

 2. I am joining my friend's Devan and Sarah, for a healthy lifestyle/weight-loss journey. (More posts explaining that later).
3. Even though the economy is rough, and I can't find a job in my degree area at the moment, I am taking some classes this summer, for a back-up. High-five for making a B on a super, hard exam!

4. I love Walgreen's free-photo offers. I scored four, free, 5X7's with a promo-code. I will try and remember to share their codes on here.

5. Even though the rain is dreary, I am thankful that we are receiving it. That equals a cool-down in the weather, and a relief for the crops, (which equal amazing food from the family garden).

Don't forget to grab my button if you blog!

Monday, July 16, 2012

Put your blog goggles on!

I'm trying to get my blog on, so I can put my blog goggles on. Seriously blogger, I have blogs to be blogging about on my new blog.