Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Talkin' on Tuesday about: Hot Mess Monday

Yesterday, I was a "hot mess" running around like crazy, I didn't get a chance to post. Like I said last week, this weight loss/healthy journey is going to be trial and error. I will honestly admit I gained a pound. Am I happy about this? Well, no! I didn't lose, but I am learning. ;)

As far as my goals from last week:
  •  I did eat my turkey everyday for lunch last week, except on Friday when I went out to eat with friend.  (That was sort-of-my-problem, going out to eat is one thing, but what you choose to get is your choice. Last week I had Cracker Barrel with my family, Saul Good with a friend, Mexican, and then went to a big cookout at a friend's house as well.)
  • I exercised twice!
  • I tried to drink more water, but this goal needs much more improvement.
I find myself trying to read health and food articles or blogs when I have time to give me insight and advice on things. Some new food/beverage items that I tried this week that made drinking water taste better is, Perrier water (which a great carbonated lemon/lime water with out any artificial sweeteners)  and Smartfood Cinnamon-Sugar Chips,(which taste similar to Taco Bell's cinnamon twist.) You can have around 20 chips for 130 calories, 21g of Carbs, and 4g of sugar. They are pretty good, and you can buy them at Kroger.

Goals for this week:

1. Keep last week's goals
2. Try to learn of some new tips from other people
3. Watch portion sizes
4. Figure out the "soda" conundrum...aka (Skis and Cokes) 

 Hot Mess to Hot Mama's are welcoming to anyone who wants to join in on our train. Also, anyone who want to share tips, or stories, feel free!

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