Monday, July 23, 2012

Hot Mess Monday

I think all of us mommas who are diving into this "weight-loss", "healthy" journey, aka, HOT MESSES to HOT MAMAS lets out a BIG, "sigh" before posting, right? It is not that I think that I am overweight, I just want to feel better and make healthier choices. I mean yeah, who doesn't love, or Mexican food, or whatever else is yummy and unhealthy!?!? I don't want to torture myself, but I want to this to be a learning experience through these lifestyle changes.

As we all know, birthing a child changes your body. Everything shifts and whatnot. I am proud of my stretch marks, and my baby belly "pooch", for being my little Delaney's home for nine months. However, I think us mommas get to a point where we need some confidence back about our bodies. Maybe it is just excuses like, "I looked this way before, and it doesn't matter what I look like now," or  "we all get so busy and say we don't have time,"  and before we know it, those scales make us say, "say what?"

Maybe some of us mommas have the genes of bouncing back and others don't. I do think from what I have heard, it is genetic. If your momma had stretch marks, you are more that likely going to have them.  As far as my weight goes, I am back to pre-pregnancy weight, at 154 pounds. My optimal weight for my 5'6" frame according to, Weight Watchers, is 124-155. So, I am within a pound of being overweight!?

I am telling myself, being realistic is key. I do not think I should expect to magically "pop" back into a size TWO and weigh 125 lbs like I did when I was 18. So, I think this journey will be some trial and error, small-goal setting, and PATIENCE.

Here are some of my small goals for the week. It may not seem like a lot to start out with, but remember, being REALISTIC is key. Rome wasn't built in a day.

1. Actually eat my turkey and pop chips I bought for lunch everyday and not cave for a fast-food, quick-fix.

2. Exercise at least three days this week.

3. Drink more water. Point Blank.

Any tips, websites, or other mommas that want to join us, are welcome!

1 comment:

  1. I didn't know you were a blogging mama! I love it!

    Allison c.
