1. My sweet-pea is growing and talking more by-the-day!
2. It is fun finding new foods that are good and healthy, especially since I am trying to diet. Speaking of the grocery, I am glad I kept my cool (not that I lose my cool a lot) when I pretty-much-got-accused of stealing in Kroger!?!?! Maybe the cashier was just trying to do her job, but after checking out with a few items, (including one of Delaney's favorite snacks, Two boxes of Kashi Strawberry Cereal Bars), I was paying and Delaney had reached into my purse where I always have a snack. It happened to be Strawberry Kashi Bar. The cashier looked at me and said, "you need this too?", pointing to the cereal bar. I explained that it was in my purse and she could look at the two boxes that she just bagged. I didn't dump and hide another box in my purse! I know there was some tension about the situation, but I don't go "Bon-Qui-Qui" on people! LOL!
3. The Olympics are on! Yay! Gabby Douglas is awesome!
4. I went to Market Off Main Street today with my madre and Delaney, and I got a.great.one.minute.massage! It was definitely worth one hundred lincoln's( pennies that is). My mom thought I was hilarious crouched down in a massage chair. And Delaney was crying the whole time because she thought someone was hurting her mommy. Relaxation, yeah!
5. I'm slowly dabbling into making more homemade things. I am not going "all pioneer woman" or anything. I just like to be domestic. I made that body scrub last week, and homemade taco seasoning this week. I have been looking into a homemade sugar wax, but it scares me. I do not want to end up without an eyebrow!
On that note, if you blog, high five with me and some of my fellow bloggers. Get the button on my page!
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