Friday, August 31, 2012


Linkin' up with my fellow High Fivers' you should join along too!


1. After nearly 16-months of being a stay-at-home mom, this momma sent Delaney to pre-preschool. I don't really like the term daycare. LOL!  I am glad that she had a good week and is socializing and learning, even though I had a hard time with it. I honestly think it will take a little bit of transition time. How did my fellow mommas do with the transition of childcare?

2. My little-bro is coming home for the weekend. I'll be anxious to hear some UK stories from him!.

3. I recently bought a Slatkin and Co. Pumpkin Candle from Bath and Body works. I have been itching to burn it even though it is not fall yet. It's not quite tha wonderful fall weather yet. :)

4. UK V UL football this weekend. No, I won't be there, and I am more of a basketball girl, but I still have to support the blue. Who doesn't love a good rivalry, anyway? :)

5. I think I am going to quit stressing about my house so much about trying keeping it spic and span. I have a toddler. I would rather spend more time with her, than vacuum everyday etc. However, I did get around to clearing out some space of Delaney's closet, because was no room for any more clothes. It looked like she had a closet full of clothes, but they are too small. I had a keep pile and sell/donate pile. Is it bad that I would go back to the sell pile and put it in the keep pile? It is so hard to part with those sentimental itty.bitty.clothes. HA! Needless to say, Delaney is proudly rocking out some new 18-month-threads that has space in the closet now.

If you blog, let me know, I would love to follow. Be sure to grab my button on my page.

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