Friday, September 7, 2012


I was glad to see I had some page views before I posted! Thanks!


1. It amazes me how much my little Delaney is learning and growing. She is such a big little girl at her new pre-pre school, as I called it. She is liking playing with doctor's kits and farm animals...a future vet maybe? :)

2. There is a new show coming on TLC that I am pretty excited about. I am fascinated with culture(s) in general, but this show, "Breaking Amish" is about Amish wanting to explore the outside world. Don't laugh, but it looks interesting.

3. I just love Market Off Main in Campbellsville. I stopped by there today, this making my third visit there, and it just keeps growing.

4. I totally rocked out that pumpkin candle I was talking about last week, I am all about some fall.

5. Paula Dean has come out with some new "sauces". I bought the Savannah Marinade. There has not been a recipe of hers that I have not liked. So, after I marinaded some chicken, I approve her line of sauces too! Who doesn't love that woman and her "southern-ness?"

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