Monday, August 27, 2012

It's Hot Mess Time

So, I am rockin' a headache today because I skipped my Ski or Coke of the day. Ever since this journey began I have still been drinking a non-diet soda a day, not-to-mention lemonade or other juices. All of that sugar adds up. I have said from the very beginning, weight loss, in my opinion, is trial and error. Or maybe I just need to suck-it-up and start resisting that cupcake and icecream at a birthday party and maybe just stick to one of the two.

I missed last week's update because I was just really busy! I had went from 152, back up to 155. What the heck?!? I have been walking, trying to watch what I eat, but also caving every once in a while. Not-to-mention, last week I had one of Delaney's little friends birthday party, the state fair, and my birthday weekend. To no avail, I don't know if I have lost inches and kept my weight, or I just gained some back.

I am not sugar coating this journey. It will be as raw as you can get. We are all busy moms and going through the drive-thru is fast and convenient, right? Calories are cheap, aka the dollar menu. Our health doesn't need to have a dollar price tag on it! I don't know if my metabolism has just changed or I need to watch what I eat more. Maybe it is my carb intake? I really haven't mastered this yet. Trial and Error, remember? I run around so much with my little one, you think I would be a toothpick. HA!

On another note, just rambling, but I talked to a mom of three a few weeks ago, and she was in great shape! She said it look a lot of hard work and that she ran a lot.  Is kicking up your cardio  the only thing to get the weight off? I am a walker, dancer, and jogger, if that. I admire people who do. I just don't know if I have it in me. LOL!  Wouldn't we all love a personal trainer and a personal chef, ha! This isn't the Real Housewives of well, wherever, this is mom-on-the-go, real life!

I am going to try something new(ish) for the next week or two. Instead of stressing out about how much I weigh, I will just try to stick to my guns of exercising and trying to eat right! When I update hotmess, I will update you on my progress and how I feel. Maybe judge my how my clothes are fitting? This may be a cop-out or whatever, but it is just a trial. I have really been stuck on how much I weigh and would get upset if I wasn't losing what I think I should.

Are there any other hot messes out there who want to join in on mine, Sarah, and Devan's journey? The more the merrier! Tips are always welcome!

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